Krisztián Biró


At the beginning of the 1500s a Saxon knight from Háromszék called Jacob Becz, in the course of a duel, defeated a high-ranking Turkish soldier. And in recognition of this feat of bravery the Hungarian king Ulászló II bestowed on him in 1506 a title of nobility, and, because he "brought down" his foe, from then on, he and his descendants bear the name "Biró" (one who can bring down, i.e. who can defeat his enemy). So, the Biró Family's name is not derived from "biró = judge" but as explained above.
In the course of centuries his descendants accomplished many noble deeds and thus made that name and the acquired coat of arms even more attractive and picturesque.
Several members of the Biró Family held important posts in the Imperial Transylvanian Chancery. This is evidenced by the triple arm that holds a sword and a pen on three mounds, decorated with a crown in the upper part of the Biró coat of arms. And, perhaps, the Pen also typifies the present Biró Family that has acquired fame in the most advanced form of writing - in printing, i e book production.

Biró Family Printers and Publishers - Phone: (+36 1) 369 9129 - Fax: (+36 1) 272 1208 - - 2007